I guess my "break" wasn't very short, but I am ready to get back into the swing of things and bring RemChic back to what it was! I'd like to thank all of my dedicated readers who e-mailed me after I announced the break saying they would wait for me to come back...that really means a lot!
Anyways, I'd like to start of by asking everyone to give me some feedback on what kinds of articles and fashion/lifestyle advice you need. If you could either leave me a comment or email me at info at remchic dot com that would be great! Make sure you go through the archives and find a few articles you like/dislike and let me know why.
Thanks and I hope to hear from you all soon!
I would like more celeb looks for less!!
You should write an article about how to pick the perfect swim suit for your body type, skin tone, hair color :)
Graduation dresses!
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