Wednesday, August 11, 2010
RemChic is shipping up to Boston (to find my wooden leg)
I am finally headed to Boston! I can't help but whistle Dropkick Murphy's "I'm Shipping Up to Boston" while packing (hence the reference to a wooden leg in this post's title). I'm headed out with my best friend and believe you me we will be causing a lot of ruckus on our little trip. Just kidding! I'm actually dragging her along with me to look at three graduate schools: Northeastern University, Boston University, and Emerson College. We also plan on skipping around the shops on Newbury Street and getting lost while trying to figure out how to ride The T. There's also an Irish pub called the Squealing Pig I want to check out, and of course, we have to go on a Sam Adams Brewery tour! It's no secret my life revolves around all things fashion related, so I had to do some hunting in order to get a feel of Bostonian fashion. I figured I'll start with some Lookbook inspiration then I'll have to tackle purchasing some anti-humidity hair products for the mucky summers and a few dozen pairs of Frye boots and this Thomas Wylde coat to get me through the winter. Anyways, here are my Boston revoir my little RemChicers!
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